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Creamier launches brand new ice cream flavour in collaboration with CatBee

Making a name for themselves with luxuriously good ice cream served within Singapore’s heartland estates, Creamier’s decadent offerings are all made with their own recipes, sourcing for quality ingredients and working with local communities to always ensure good and honest ice cream for everyone.

The community-focused artisanal ice cream company has now taken yet another step forward in giving to the society with their newest partnership with CatBee.

As a kid with autism, Aisha (aka CatBee) finds comfort in spending hours with her coloured pencils, in drawing, and in putting her characters on all sorts of surfaces. Her extraordinary ability to stay hyper-focused on the same task for long periods of time has allowed her to create vibrant art pieces with patterns and repetition. Expressing her unique perspectives through quirky characters and colours, CatBee’s Anything Monsters have become amongst her most distinct line of work.

For their newest collaboration, Creamier embarks on another whimsical journey with CatBee, launching a new handcrafted ice cream inspired by her and her monsters. In a nod to her immense love for all things green and weekends baking with her mother, Creamier unveils the unique Green Cookie Dough Monster. Featuring a perfect balance of flavours, the new ice cream presents a rich and earthy matcha filled with tangy and sweet cranberry cookie dough.

This season, they’ve also launched the highly anticipated CatBee Anything Monsters collectible dolls auction. Featuring limited edition plushies created in collaboration with Shian (@shiaaaan) and limited edition crochet monsters crafted in collaboration with Amigurumei (@amigurumei), find them showcased and up for bids exclusively on CatBee’s website.

Playing her part to give back, proceeds from the auction will be donated to My Inspiring Journey, the first special needs hub founded by parents with special needs children in Singapore.


Find out more on Creamier’s partnership with CatBee via their website here.