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Master Chef Philip Chia unveils a symphony of Peranakan flavours at The Fullerton Hotel Singapore

A culinary extravaganza awaits at The Fullerton Hotel Singapore as they collaborate with renowned local culinary master and cookbook author, Chef Philip Chia, to bring the captivating flavours of Peranakan cuisine to Town Restaurant.
Chef Philip Chia, a dedicated custodian of Peranakan cuisine, draws on his lifelong experience and passion for the art of cooking that he’s been honing since the age of six. The result is an array of dishes that showcase the vibrant and complex nature of this treasured cuisine, with a selection of delectable creations featured in the lunch and dinner buffet menus from Aug 14 to Sep 14, Monday to Saturday.
The culinary journey commences with a tantalizing selection of appetizers, including Kueh Pie Tee and Kerabu Kay, which paves the way for heartwarming soups like Itek Tim and Bakwan Kepiting. The main courses are a celebration of slow-cooked perfection, featuring dishes like Ayam Buah Keluak, Babi Pongtay, and Beef Rendang. Seafood lovers will delight in options like Udang Goreng Assam and Ikan Goreng Chilli Garam, while the traditional Nyonya Chap Chye adds a comforting touch.
Diners will be treated to an immersive experience with a live station dedicated to Nyonya Laksa, allowing them to create personalized bowls brimming with fresh ingredients and aromatic gravy. The journey through Peranakan cuisine culminates with a diverse dessert selection, from the comforting Bubur Terigu to the refreshing Chendol.
The dining experience extends to the beverage arena, with three Peranakan-themed drinks designed to complement the rich flavours. Guests can also opt for Peranakan-inspired cocktails, like the fragrant Rosalita and the elegant Sun Blossom, adding a creative twist to the experience.
The Fullerton Hotel Singapore invites diners of all ages to embark on this culinary expedition, celebrating the heritage and authenticity of Peranakan cuisine. Don’t miss this chance to savour the intricate flavours of Peranakan cuisine under the expert guidance of Chef Philip Chia.


For reservations or more information, head over to The Fullerton Singapore’s website here