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Battle Post-Covid Hair Loss with Coulisse Heir

Implicating us in many ways since it hit, the recent pandemic has even affected us in ways that concern our vanity.

Thankfully, there’s hair and scalp care boutique Coulisse Heir, who explains to us the effects of Covid on our hair and how they’ve come up with a solution with their new Post-Covid Hair Loss Therapy.

Coulisse Heir has specially curated a set of products and treatments that fights temporal hair loss as a result of Covid-19. Whether due to vaccinations or the virus itself, they help to rejuvenate our hair and scalp situation.

Employing a series of in-house products that revive weakened roots, promote regeneration and strengthening of blood capillaries, and drive better absorption of nutrients, Coulisse Heir’s Post-Covid Hair Loss Therapy lasts 60 minutes each session.