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Gateway Arts’ 2023 line-up puts youth mental wellness in the spotlight

Mental wellness has been an increasingly hot topic in recent years as people started looking at the different ways that our society as a whole has become more and more estranged from one another as human beings, and more and more unhappy on a daily basis.

On a mission to highlight these social issues around us, Gateway Arts has consistently sought to bring about awareness and understanding through their repertoire of theatrical productions that examine those very issues.

Announcing their 2023 season, Gateway Arts shines the spotlight on youth mental wellness, exploring the stress and anxiety faced by youths in Singapore – especially after three years of pandemic limitations.

Kicking it off is their live presentation of The Monster in the Mirror. A comedic pop musical about an average school girl weaving her way around teenage politics, romance, and social media drama. Originally produced as a digital theatre performance, the film is brought to the live stage this year in collaboration with TOUCH Mental Wellness.

Also on the line-up is the fun and educational 12 Going On 13, a first-of-its-kind immersive experience that transforms an actual classroom into a theatrical space. Accompanied by live music, explore the world of adolescence again as you overcome the stress of anxiety and find strength in community through various tools and engagement points.

Then there’s the returning I and You, with lead actress Evangel Wong and lead Actor Zulfiqar Izzudin reprising their roles as Caroline and Anthony. Critically acclaimed both locally and abroad, this thought-provoking piece follows two vastly different characters who build an unlikely bond over their dreams and anxieties. An examination of relationships and connection amongst youths these days, I and You will be directly by Gateway Arts’ brilliant Artistic Director, Samantha Scott-Blackhall.


To find out more about Gateway Arts and their upcoming productions, visit their website here.